Scroll to the bottom of this page for the form to book your project!
Hourly Capturing/Filming Rate - $75-$150
Estimated rate for filming, capturing, and directing or assistant directing scenes, models, actors, and dancers.
Hourly Editing Rate - $50-$75
Estimated rate for general editing, color correcting, and special effects.
Additional services like professional studio rentals, drone capturing, talent managing, choreographers, photographers, specific edits, rush edits, and other vendors can be requested. Pricing will vary based on projects needs.
Estimated rate for filming, capturing, and directing or assistant directing scenes, models, actors, and dancers.
Hourly Editing Rate - $50-$75
Estimated rate for general editing, color correcting, and special effects.
Additional services like professional studio rentals, drone capturing, talent managing, choreographers, photographers, specific edits, rush edits, and other vendors can be requested. Pricing will vary based on projects needs.
Fill out the form below with as much information as you can to receive accurate pricing and to get your project booked!